<!--Enter the text in the Edit window of OE by double-clicking to display the box first.

 Transition filter choices are:

  0 = Box In                12 = Random Dissolve

  1 = Box Out               13 = Split Vertical In

  2 = Circle In             14 = Split Vertical Out

  3 = Circle Out            15 = Split Horizontal In

  4 = Wipe Up               16 = Split Horizontal Out

  5 = Wipe Down             17 = Strip Left-Down

  6 = Wipe Right            18 = Strip Left-Up

  7 = Wipe Left             19 = Strip Right-Down

  8 = Vertical Blinds       20 = Strip Right-Up

  9 = Horizontal Blinds     21 = Random Horizontal Bars

 10 = Checkerboard Across   22 = Ramdom Verical Bars

 11 = Checkerboard Down     23 = Random (Only when first displayed)


 Transition Duration is in seconds.

        Image align = right, left or middle


<Center><IMG align=midle id=revealpict src="C:\A\01.jpg"

style="FILTER: revealTrans(duration=6,    transition=23); VISIBILITY: hidden">

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>


    var rpic1;


    var rpic2;


    function revealgo() {


    rpic1 = revealpict;




    rpic1.style.visibility = "visible";




    setTimeout('doIt()', 10000);




    function doIt() {


    rpic2 = revealpict




    rpic2.style.visibility = "hidden";




    setTimeout('revealgo()', 10000);









<DIV><FONT color=#000080 face="Comic Sans MS" size=4></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>

<DIV align=center><FONT color=#000080 face="Comic Sans MS" size=4>Texto
